A sister piece to the “Pardon My Language Baby Girl”, “Neatest Trick” and “Quickest Trick” are in the same kind of story format but in one story three men are tasked with impossible tasks and aided with tools. Each completes their task in a way that allows the storyteller to show off their storytelling abilities. In the other story, three sisters use small domestic tools and their bodies to perform perverse feats to impress a male third-party judge.
One version of the story is metaphorical, the other an actual “pissing contest” These one-to-one versions of this story trope leads one to compare the prize that is competed for in these stories as they merge into one. The three men compete for a young woman silenced of all agency and the three sisters compete for a dead rabbit to consume. Animals are often used as stand-ins for people in folk tales but in this nonanimal tale, a dead rabbit is deemed as desired as a living woman.